Zazen Experience at Chouanji Soto Zen Temple

Zazen is a Buddhist practice in which one faces oneself by sitting in an upright posture and unifying the mind.
They offer lessons in English for beginners and can have sessions of up to 80 people at one time. Reservations is needed to participate.
Fee: please call for more details

Please come wearing comfortable clothing.
*There is no air conditioning so dress according to the season.

Chouanji Soto Zen Temple Choan-ji “everlasting peace temple”
Founding year Choan-ji was founded in 1505, during the warring period.
Founder The founder of Choan-ji is Juten Eiko Daiosho.
Founding lay followers
Choan-ji was first sponsored by Masaki Tokishige, a feudal lord of the Masaki Family; and later, his daughter and wife of Satomi Yoshiyori of the Satomi Family, Goinkyo sama, helped in solidifying the foundations of the temple.
Rev.Bunryu (Fumitaka) Oyama Resident Minister
1597 Miyayama, Kamogawa-shi, Chiba prefecture
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